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Spoutible Data Breach A Cascade Of Personal Information Exposed

Spoutible Data Breach: A Cascade of Personal Information Exposed


In January 2024, Spoutible, a microblogging site, experienced a major data breach that exposed a trove of personal information due to a vulnerability in its API.

Vulnerability Exposed Sensitive Information

Security consultant Troy Hunt discovered the vulnerability and alerted Spoutible to the issue. The exposed API returned sensitive information, including hashed passwords, names, and email addresses, for over 207,000 users.

Impact of the Breach

The data breach is a serious concern as it could allow cybercriminals to access users' accounts, steal their identities, or engage in other malicious activities. While Spoutible claims that the hashed passwords were encrypted, it is still recommended for users to change their passwords and enable two-factor authentication for added security.

Lessons Learned

The Spoutible data breach highlights the importance of strong cybersecurity measures and API security. Companies must prioritize proper API configuration and conduct regular security audits to prevent such incidents.


The Spoutible data breach serves as a reminder of the ongoing threats to online privacy and security. Users should be vigilant about protecting their personal information online and businesses must take proactive steps to secure their systems and data.
